Marji Laine

I Love a Good Mystery!

Beauty From Ashes

My precious redhead collected these pics of the Northern lights from all over the internet as part of her research project for Earth/Space Science last year. So they've been hanging loose in my general photo file and when I opened it for some inspiration, there they sat staring at me like a hungry hound.

I have one of those so I know of which I speak and I promise they did stare at me like that!

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Author: Marji Laine

Marji is a recently "graduated" homeschooling mom whose twin girls have blessed her by sticking around the nest for a little longer. She spends her days directing the children’s music program at her church and working with the authors of Write Integrity Press to put out the best possible version of their books. Raised in suburban Dallas, she got her first taste of writing through the stories of brilliant authors of their day, Mignon Eberhart and Phyllis A. Whitney, and through stage experience. After directing and acting in productions for decades, Marji started writing her own scripts. From that early beginning, she delved into creating scintillating suspense with a side of Texas sassy. She invites readers to unravel their inspiration, seeking a deeper knowledge of the Lord’s Great Mystery that invites us all.

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