Marji Laine

I Love a Good Mystery!

Why Do You Do What You Do?


A few weeks ago, Lena Nelson Dooley interviewed me on the Blog Talk Radio program, The Gate Beautiful. A recording of the program is at the link, and you can find an article about it here. During our chat, she asked me why I write the way I do.

My Grandfather's TypewriterWhat a good question and it does well for even non-writers. Why do you do the things you do? I think part of answering that question is what I would call purposeful living. Not just floating through life (and let me tell you, I did plenty of that!) but having a goal and a reason for each action I take.

So why do I write Christian Fiction?

I don’t write Christian fiction in order to draw non-believers into salvation. That would be a huge bonus, should one of my stories inspire a person’s transformation and I know the Holy Spirit can use any tool to complete His work, but I tend to write with a believer in mind. As women, it’s so easy to be overwhelmed with our “daily days.” The routines, circumstances, and pressures that rob us of joy and distract us from truth.

I write strong female characters who are going through the same type of experiences. My hope is that their journey and the faith they find through it will encourage readers to remember who they are in Christ. We are royalty. Princesses of our devoted King. Adored by the God of the universe. Cradled through our times of need and set on a pedestal during our celebrations.

The Father delights in us and that alone should instill such joy, despite how the world around us would like to drag us downward. I write to remind and encourage believers to a renewed relationship with their Savior, their Kinsman Redeemer.

Your Turn: What is your focus and passion right now? Why do you write or do what you are putting your hand to do?

Author: Marji Laine

Marji is a recently "graduated" homeschooling mom whose twin girls have blessed her by sticking around the nest for a little longer. She spends her days directing the children’s music program at her church and working with the authors of Write Integrity Press to put out the best possible version of their books. Raised in suburban Dallas, she got her first taste of writing through the stories of brilliant authors of their day, Mignon Eberhart and Phyllis A. Whitney, and through stage experience. After directing and acting in productions for decades, Marji started writing her own scripts. From that early beginning, she delved into creating scintillating suspense with a side of Texas sassy. She invites readers to unravel their inspiration, seeking a deeper knowledge of the Lord’s Great Mystery that invites us all.

4 thoughts on “Why Do You Do What You Do?

  1. Pingback: No Special Day Required « Marji Laine: Author

  2. I can tell we share the same passion, Sheryl and Jackie! May your writing be straight from God’s own hand! Our chapter of the American Christian Fiction Writers has a scripture in the logo. Psalm 451 “My heart overflows with a good theme; I address my verses to the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”


  3. Likewise, I write to share that I am human and that I am just like everyone else, except I have a faith in Jesus that sustains me. In honest sharing, I hope to encourage others to keep running the race and strengthen their walk with Jesus as they run.


  4. Hi Marji,
    I hope to be published one day and that my stories will entertain readers. More importantly I hope it draws them into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
    For now, writing brings me closer to God.
