Marji Laine

I Love a Good Mystery!

Weekend-ispiration: His Strength is Perfect


His strength is perfect when our strength is gone. He’ll carry us when we can’t carry on. Raised in His power the weak become strong.

Last weekend, I told you about my daughter and her singing tour with a group from Dallas Christian College. She had a humbling experience that had nothing to do with her singing, but everything to do with her spiritual condition. My precious redhead had been consumed with the performance when she met a foreign missionary who had returned to the states with cancer. He was, in her words, spending some of the last moments of his life encouraging the next generation.

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Author: Marji Laine

Marji is a recently "graduated" homeschooling mom whose twin girls have blessed her by sticking around the nest for a little longer. She spends her days directing the children’s music program at her church and working with the authors of Write Integrity Press to put out the best possible version of their books. Raised in suburban Dallas, she got her first taste of writing through the stories of brilliant authors of their day, Mignon Eberhart and Phyllis A. Whitney, and through stage experience. After directing and acting in productions for decades, Marji started writing her own scripts. From that early beginning, she delved into creating scintillating suspense with a side of Texas sassy. She invites readers to unravel their inspiration, seeking a deeper knowledge of the Lord’s Great Mystery that invites us all.

6 thoughts on “Weekend-ispiration: His Strength is Perfect

  1. Thanks so much Giora! Being gone for a week left me in internet withdrawal, but I'm loving visiting some of the blogs I've missed. Rachelle Gardner always hits me right where I am! Blessings to you as well with your Contemporary Women's novel!


  2. Hi Marji. I came to check your blog, after reading your reply today to my comment on Rachelle Gardner's blog. Your blog is impressive, and good luck in your Christian Romance Suspense novels. Best wishes from canada to you and your family. GioraP.S. and if you wonder for the origin or my name (you probably never heard it before), it's from the same country where Jesus was born.


  3. Patricia,I just love the way you look at things!


  4. Good words and testimony! We don't like to be weak, or admit it, but what joy to find out we don't stand alone!


  5. Thanks, Loree! Also loved your blog today. Really missed visiting blogs this week. Looking forward to enjoying them again.


  6. Yes, I've seen His power build…in my weakness. Loved the story.Awesome post.
