Marji Laine

I Love a Good Mystery!

X is for



I know I'm cheating a little, but this post is a continuation of my last two posts about fears. Sometimes they are unreasonable – like heights or elevators or closed in places. Mind you, the fears are real; there's just no reason behind them.

Yesterday and the day before, I talked about some things that scared me through my childhood. They were ridiculous, goofy things that shouldn't have scared anyone, but they terrified me. And might I just add that the terror still visits every now and then when I'm at my most vulnerable? I don't stare up at the ceiling anymore, but I still hate windows at night! Yikes! (And yes, as I wrote yesterday's post in the
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Author: Marji Laine

Marji is a recently "graduated" homeschooling mom whose twin girls have blessed her by sticking around the nest for a little longer. She spends her days directing the children’s music program at her church and working with the authors of Write Integrity Press to put out the best possible version of their books. Raised in suburban Dallas, she got her first taste of writing through the stories of brilliant authors of their day, Mignon Eberhart and Phyllis A. Whitney, and through stage experience. After directing and acting in productions for decades, Marji started writing her own scripts. From that early beginning, she delved into creating scintillating suspense with a side of Texas sassy. She invites readers to unravel their inspiration, seeking a deeper knowledge of the Lord’s Great Mystery that invites us all.

14 thoughts on “X is for

  1. Shoot, Sparrow, all the health stuff you deal with would naturally make you cautious, but I'm glad you're not fully worrying.


  2. I went through two terrible years with a really severe case of germphobia. Those fears controlled me no matter what I tried (turns out my brain chemicals were out of whack and just needed some medicine help to get re-balanced). Today I had some temptations to be anxious over germs again (nothing like public restrooms and little kids to bring germs to the forefront!) more than I usually do, but was able to take the mental exit and stop worrying.Thanks for the great reminder!


  3. Thanks, Laury! Aside from Poltergeist, also in college, I have rendered the sum total of my scary movies. Total – 4, make that 3.25. My imagination (as evidenced from the earlier two posts) just runs away with me even when I don't watch scary movies. Who needs the fodder for more fear?


  4. I like your new blog look, by the way;) Awesomely stupendous!


  5. I can't stand scary movies and would never watch satanic ones like that. I would never be able to sleep again! I even though this year I would watch Casper and some other Halloween movies but I couldn't do it even now. Too weird and creepy.


  6. Oh, that's exactly right! And so succinctly stated!


  7. Awesome post(s). Sometimes learning to discern the difference between the spirit of fear and the fear of the Lord is extremely difficult. As Christians, I believe we should have no fear of the devil or his manifestations, but we should always be reverent in the face of the Lord. Sometimes it's altogether too easy to be complacent in God's presence and run in terror from the things the devil likes to torment us with!


  8. He has a habit of doing that doesn't he. I'm the same way, but then He draws me back in and starts slowly revealing how He's gonna do this. You gotta love it when He give you an impossible task, then provides everything necessary to complete it!


  9. Often when God calls me out of my comfort zone, I want to run and EXIT the situation. Fantastic and thought provoking posts!


  10. Oh, I had troubles like that when I was prego with the twins. My hubby teased me. "I can't take you anywhere." And he was RIGHT! He'd have to make detours for bathrooms even if we just drove across town. I think the dinky twinkies like the bouncy floor that was my bladder!


  11. I'm drawing a blank here. Can't say as I have, and I'm grateful for that!!!!! LOL


  12. Before I stopped eating gluten everything made me run for the exit IF I made it through the


  13. LOL! Glad to know I'm not the only one. Oh, you reminded me of my terrified dinky-twinkies when they had to use an automatic toilet! Why do so many fears from my family stem from the bathroom?


  14. I couldn't comment until I went back and read the other two… I used to be scared of the eyes of the animals on the posters that hung in my room. But that was nothing compared to my fear of the drain in the shower after a "friend" loaned me Stephen King's book "It." I've showered with no trepidations for years… of course that was before I went down memory lane this morning!
