Marji Laine

I Love a Good Mystery!

Ideas are Flowing


Matthiessen WaterfallDo you ever wake up in the middle of the night and just have to write something down? That has been happening to me constantly week. Story ideas, marketing thoughts, blog posts. They’ve been coming in a waterfall breaking over the rocks of reality.

Seriously, I drove out to the mid-cities on Saturday and thankfully had my IPad in the seat next to me. One of my apps is a recorder with a big red button on it. I gave it a push and started spewing out the scene that had been rumbling through my head since I woke up. Does it count as writing if it isn’t down on paper? Maybe half-credit? LOL!

The same thing happened a few nights ago with a picture I found at Pinterest. (Have I mentioned that I LOVE Pinterest?) Tons of ideas spewed out of that one. I’m even featuring it in tomorrow’s blog so come back!

But much of the droplets have fallen on the stone cold reality of my busy schedule. I tell folks that I homeschool and I think images of eating chocolates on a lounger float across their minds. Ha! Shows what they know – it’s chocolate cake on my couch. So there!

No really, I know everyone has their own flavor of craziness. I’ve always been told in ministry to give jobs to busy people because they know how to get them done. I’m probably a fair example of that, but I have learned to use the word no when necessary. Still, this week has started out with the arrow pointing near overload on my busy-ness gauge, so while ideas have been flowing, only short notes and scratched out hints have been written.

But the ideas are flowing – woohoo! And I do have notes and scratched-out hints when life slows down again – and it will. Prom is 5 weeks away. I’ve done it for six years now. Life comes to a screeching halt when it ends and I get some of my best writing done! Can’t wait!

All-in-all, as this first round of ROW80 2012 nears finality, I’m not nearly as far down my writing road as I wished. I didn’t complete a novel like I did last time, but that one is taking on a whole new path with my revisions. And I expected to be able to complete those revisions, however, that expectation came before inspiration. No argument there. Can’t say that I’m really disappointed about anything except my lack of exercise. Will continue to work on that, though.

One more week to go!

Author: Marji Laine

Marji is a recently "graduated" homeschooling mom whose twin girls have blessed her by sticking around the nest for a little longer. She spends her days directing the children’s music program at her church and working with the authors of Write Integrity Press to put out the best possible version of their books. Raised in suburban Dallas, she got her first taste of writing through the stories of brilliant authors of their day, Mignon Eberhart and Phyllis A. Whitney, and through stage experience. After directing and acting in productions for decades, Marji started writing her own scripts. From that early beginning, she delved into creating scintillating suspense with a side of Texas sassy. She invites readers to unravel their inspiration, seeking a deeper knowledge of the Lord’s Great Mystery that invites us all.

10 thoughts on “Ideas are Flowing

  1. It’s Key Lime pie and ice cream cake on our couch!

    I know the brand of “invisible busyness” well! People can’t see it, but it’s definitely there.

    I think I will finish in time….I am hoping for you, too! =)

    Joyful last week!


    • I don’t think I’ll finish my rewrites, but I’m hoping to open up my new blog tabs by the end of the month. And I just laid out a brand new story tonight. This is one I have to write. Have never it so impressed. So excited for the next round!


  2. Inspiring post. I need to have more disipline and write as research is exhausted for now.


    • I had the flip-side situation. Inspiration had played out and my writing was done, so I revised and did research until other ideas started flowing. For you, since your research has played out, start flitting on paper until an idea takes hold of you. JMO. Good luck! 🙂


  3. I’m having a huge idea flow as well! It’s exciting but also a little intimidating, because I have to turn around and execute on them…and that means ignoring my addiction to Pinterest and actually writing. 🙂 That site is like crack!

    Keep up the great ideas and have a great week, Marji.


  4. Sounds awesome. I love pinterest and I love when there are a thousand ideas coming. I always have too many ideas, too.


  5. That recorder app on the iPad – must look that one up. Although I don’t suffer from mid-sleep idea-itis like you apparently do – any wayward ideas I do get normally arrive in that zone between waking up in the morning and needing to do the first-thing ablutions.

    Sounds like you’re succeeding at your goals so congrats.


    • I drive so much (pre-teens) that it has been a lifesaver, not only for ideas, but also when their schedules intervene with the scene I’m up to my elbows in.

      Love it!
